Completed projects
Here we present an overview of our successfully completed initiatives that have provided significant insights and progress in the region. These projects reflect our dedicated work and demonstrate the diversity of our achievements to date in research, co-operation and cultural exchange. Immerse yourself in our completed projects and discover the impetus we have provided for deeper understanding and development in South East Europe.
Dealing with the past and nationalism
Dealing with the past and nationalism of migrants living in Graz and Austrians with a background in the former Yugoslavia
Funded by: City of Graz
Period: 2019 - 2021
Between 2019 and 2021, the Centre for Southeast European Studies conducted a study on the topic of "Nationalism, understanding of history and national symbols among young people from Graz with an ex-Yugoslavian migration background" on behalf of the City of Graz's Integration Department. The study can be downloaded here as a PDF.
A supplementary handout on the topic of nationalist or controversial terms, sayings, symbols and people from the former Yugoslavia will be available shortly.
Minority civil society, inter-ethnic peace and sustainable democracy (MINSOC)
Funding body: EU
Programme: H2020 - MSCA
Period: 2019 - 2021
Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space (ReCitYu)
Funding body: EU
Programme: H2020 - MSCA
Period: 2018 - 2020
Further information:
Digitisation of the Western Balkan states
Digitalisation of the Western Balkan states since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis
Funding organisation: Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations
Period: 2020
MIGRATE - CTRL+ Enter Europe
MIGRATE - CTRL+ Enter Europe: Jean Monnet Migrant Crisis Network
Funding body: EU
Programme: Erasmus+, Jean Monnet Networks
Period: 2016 - 2019
Further information:
Elimination of racial discrimination
Commentary on the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Funded by: Future Fund of the Republic of Austria
Period: 2018 - 2019
Further information: ICERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination | Print | 99.105005/9783704684530 (
The European Union and its normative power in a post-conflict society: A case study of Northern Kosovo (KOSNORTH)
Funding body: EU
Programme: H 2020 - MSCA
Period: 2016 - 2018
The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Western Balkans
The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Western BalkansTackling the Challenges Towards Political Stability and Economic Prosperity
Funded by: Deutsche Telecom
Period: 2017 - 2019
Further information: Study and Policy Paper - digital WB6+
Understanding Current Practices of Science Communication in Albania and Serbia Recommendations for Enhancing Effectiveness (PERFORM)
Funding organisation: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
Period: 2017 - 2018
Between class and nation
Between class and nation. Working class communities in 1980s Serbia and Montenegro
Funding organisation: FWF
Period: 2014- 2018
Further information:
Other completed projects
Contentious Images - Unruly Practices. An Ethnography of Visual Protest Repertoires in Southeastern Europe
Publication of elements of good practice identified during the implementation of the EU/CoE Regional Joint Project "Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe"
Shifts in class and national identities in Macedonia since 1980
The Politics of National Identity and Democratisation in Austria and Croatia
Europeanisation through the Rule of Law Reform
Identity Politics and Democratisation in Montenegro and Austria
Policy Dialogue in the Field of Social Sciences in Serbia
Europeanisation by Rule of Law Implementation in the Western Balkans
MiMi- Practice of Minority Protection in Central Europe
Pre-study for the training for civil servants from Serbia
Expert Database
ICTY and Human Rights
MIRICO - Human and Minority Rights in the Life-Cycle of Ethnic Conflicts
NODE: New Orientations for Democracy in Europe
Legal Database
Re-enforcement of the Rule of Law
Universities for Democracy (UNI-DEM)
UniSee: Institutions of Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe
Project UNMIK
Administration Seminar for Officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina