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Online 15.03.2022 13:00 - 14:00


Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien, SOEGA & Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft,




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Brownbag: Religion as an Instrument for Political Support: Perspectives from the Balkans

BB: Jeton Mehmeti - Religion as an Instrument for Political Support: Perspectives from the Balkans

The interaction between politics and religion can take the form of ‘the politicisation of religion’ by religious movements/authorities that intervene into the political arena or ‘the religionisation of politics’ by politicians for ideological or tactical reasons. Religion has become a major political tool for attracting electoral support. This presentation provides a few cases studies of political parties from the Balkans who appeal to voters by incorporating religious appeals and symbols in their discourses, policies and electoral mobilization strategies.

Jeton Mehmeti is a candidate in the PhD Program Law and Politics at Karl-Franz University of Graz. He holds a MA degree from CEU and two BA degrees from IIU Malaysia. He is affiliated with the Rochester Institute of Technology – Kosovo as an adjunct lecturer.


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